Wednesday, March 15, 2006


We had our Drs. appt. Monday and we were able to see our perfectly sized 8 week baby and his beautiful little heartbeat. Growth was right on target and heartbeat was strong. Weird, I thought I would be relieved once I saw it, and stop worrying so much... and I did.. for about a day! ARGH! The Dr. doesn't want to see me again until I am 15 weeks which is too long from now with no sure way to know all is well. Then I remembered that the first baby we lost measured at 8 weeks 6 days, and my fears tell me it could happen again. Your other baby made it this far too. I keep remembering the verse in my devotional when I had my last miscarriage, the one that said Abraham did not waver in unbelief, but was fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised, and I am realizing that I am not half the person Abraham was!!

Friday, March 10, 2006


Food is not my friend. Who invented food anyway? I have been so sick with "all day morning sickness" and mostly at home in bed for two weeks now. I have to admit that although I have a high tolerance for things like colds, headaches, and pain, I am a complete baby when I am sick to my stomach. Mark is doing a great job of taking care of me, when he is not at work, which he was for over 80 hours last week!

I got blood work back from the lab and my HCG levels (the amount of pregnancy hormone in your blood) were really high for being 7 weeks pregnant. This is not a bad thing. High numbers have a better chance of being a healthy pregnancy. Now we just wait til Monday morning and pray that we see a little beating heart on that ultrasound machine. Or with my high hcg's maybe there will be TWO beating hearts!