Sunday, February 01, 2015

Time is flying... and dragging!

It's February!  If all goes well we have five months before we leave for Japan.  Time is flying and dragging all at the same time!!

Some progress is being made toward our move...

1)We all have our passports!  All six of them.  Although we have 4 different expiration dates among the six passports!  Gonna have to pay attention to that in the future!

2)I have a general idea of what I will be teaching at CAJ, but things can change on that front.  Right now it looks like I will be in middle school.  Specifically 6th grade homeroom, math and Bible.  In addition to that I will likely be teaching one other core subject OR 8th grade math.  Anxiously waiting for the final say on that so I can start digging into curriculum maps and making plans! I did go ahead and buy a cheap teachers guide for the 6th grade math on Amazon.

3)We have sold and will keep selling our bigger furniture items.  We are know eating at a picnic table, having sold our dining table and chairs this week.  My "desk" is now a group of boxes stacked up.  I am surprised at how much we have sold and yet still have PLENTY of junk.  Too much stuff.  Seriously.  Even being minimalists has not saved us from collecting a bunch of things we have no need for.

Our new (old) dinner table

My "desk"

4)This month I realized that we will not be having any yard, garage, or junk sales to raise money because neither Mark and I can hold onto our unwanted/unnecessary junk that long!  Several carloads have already been taken to our local KARM (Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries) thrift shop.  We have always been minimalists, and having a good excuse to purge is fun for us.  :-)  I think we'd rather be blessed by donating it to a good cause than be blessed by the few dollars we could get for selling it.

So five months to go.  Seems like forever and yet I know it will be here soon!