Friday, May 12, 2017

They call me Mommy

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 

Psalm 139:13-14

(This is a recycled Mother's day blog post that I wrote a few years ago, with minor edits.  Blessed to be "Mommy" to six individuals fearfully and wonderfully made. ) 


Boo... beautiful, opinionated, and so very smart... I am so thankful that you made me "Mommy".

Lukie...  nurturing and sensitive from the start, you were BORN to be a big brother, even if you had to wait and pray for 12 years before it finally happened.

Nik Nak... you are truly a miracle baby.   2 miscarriages and 8 years of praying God would bless us with more children, you were the perfect answer in God's perfect timing.

Kay Kay.. Even though you are my biggest mommy challenge, I have a feeling some day I will look back and know that it was you that taught me the most about the Father's love for His children.

Jo Jo....  you are the most generous and resourceful human being I have ever known, and sometimes I can't believe how blessed I am that I get to be your mom.  

Nater... You are the boy God promised to us 10 years before you were born (Your story is a great one).  The biggest and best surprise of our lives, I truly cannot imagine our family without you... the stinking cuteness is too yummy for words.  "I love you and I like you".

Re-entering the Blogging World

I am a pretty horrible blogger since I started teaching, but my friend Wendy is one of the most faithful bloggers I know.  She rarely misses a day, and so she has inspired me to try to do a bit more blogging every now and then with this is a new blogging challenge called "Share your world," from Cee Neuner

Wendy says... "Apparently she posts a few questions each week, and all participants need do is answer them. It’s a cool way to get to know one another. The idea is to answer the questions without overthinking them and just have fun. Feel free to join in by copying the questions and then write your answers in a new post linking back to Cee’s original post." So that's what I am going to do for my first attempt to re-enter the blogging world.

When you're alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?

I have never been one to wear shoes around the house no matter where I have lived.  I prefer barefeet, but in winter socks are a must.  I have slippers, but rarely wear them.

What was your favourite food when you were a child? (I am resisting the temptation to correct my friends spelling of favorite.)

I was the pickiest eater ever.  I wouldn't touch a vegetable, not even corn or potatoes.  I have more memories of foods I didn't like than foods I did like.  But as far as I know, I have always liked Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.  

Are you a listener or a talker?

I am pretty good at both actually. What I am not good at is small talk.  I get bored quite easily with shallow conversations.Favourite thing to (pick one): Photograph? Write? or Cook?

 I am not much of a photographer, but I like to write.  My favorite thing to write is opinion, persuasive, editorial type pieces.  I have written many letters to the editor of my local newspaper.  I have always enjoyed crafting a good argument.  Lately my husband has been doing 90% of all the cooking, but when I used to cook, I preferred making desserts, and breads.  I miss my breadmaker, and hope to get another one soon.

Optional bonus question:

What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I am grateful for my amazing husband who turns 49 today.  He is truly one of the most selfless people I know.  He's amazing... and I get to do life with him. Blessed.

I am going to cheat and skip ahead to the week after next, I am looking forward to taking two personal days that I have scheduled.  I almost never take time off, but these were use or lose days, and I am looking forward to spending them however I please.

If you are interested in joining this blogging challenge –

just copy/paste the above questions into a new post and answer them. Then put the link for your post here: Cee’s Challenge.