Saturday, June 30, 2018

Summer Fast: Post-Fast Follow up

At the end of my fast on Friday I decided to try to stay in ketosis (the fat burning state your body enters when it doesn't get dietary carbs to burn as fuel) for a few more days.  So I ate a little fruit but not much.  I mostly "snacked" throughout the day (slow and easy) on a vegetable soup I concocted, which was just a bunch of veggies cut up small and stewed for a long time with water and ginger and a squeeze of lemon juice.  It was actually so good, I made it again today.  Not eating carbs helps me to continue the fat/weight loss that the fast began.  I lost an addition. 0.6 lbs even after beginning to eat.  I ate a bit more today (Saturday) so I am curious what tomorrow will bring.

One thing that I enjoy about a longer term fast is that it changes your relationship with food.  It has been almost a week since I had any sort of "sweet treat" and I don't even mind.  Before, I was eating small candies and a dessert daily and feeling like I "needed" it.  Fasting helps to bust those bad habits that you get into.  And after working so hard, you aren't anxious to jump back into poor eating choices.  It works for a while at least :-).

4 days and 20 hours of no solid foods.
Two 24 hour periods (non-consecutive) of only water. (small amts. of juice on the other days)
6.6 lbs. lost in 6 days (so far)
I haven't had coffee since I began! (substituted green tea in the morning)

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