We are hoping to leave as early in July as possible, which means we have just over 6 months left on US soil. So many things have to happen in the next 6 months, it can overwhelm us if we let it! This coming year I have made a decision to be intentionally SERENE. I have determined to remain calm and at peace as I complete my requirements for graduation while simultaneously trying to get rid of everything we own, rent our home, and prepare to move our family of 6 half-way around the world.
So far we have:
*Returned the signed employment contract.
*Completed the process of getting J and K admitted to school
*Sold a few large but not essential pieces of furniture and given away several smaller items
*Met with a realtor and determined that selling our house is out of the question at this time... we will be renting. It's not our first choice, but financially it is clear it is the BEST choice.
*Secured an adoptive family for our beloved Boston Terrier "Max"
We've have a general idea of what some of our moving costs will be and an idea to raise some of the money to help cover them. We are thinking about having a donations only yard sale. We will take all of our stuff, as well as any donations of stuff from friends who have things they don't want or need and hold a BIG sale. I passionately hate holding yard sales (pricing and selling stuff) so I am going to have a donations only sale. Everything will be donation only. We will totally trust God that whatever comes in is exactly what we needed. And if someone needs something we have, but doesn't have much or even anything by way of donation, that's okay too... they can just have it. This way both The Van Clan and anyone coming to our sale can be blessed. It sounds like a good idea "in theory"... now if I can just get over my phobia of holding a yard sale!
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