Saturday, November 29, 2014

We've Got Mail!

Knock, knock!  The kids rush to the door... "oh, it's just the mail man".  

Well, maybe the kids were unimpressed, but Mama was happy!  "Are you Renee?"  "Yes sir, I am!"  "Are you expecting this?"  I could tell he was curious.  Perhaps he doesn't deliver mail from Japan very often.  I excitedly placed the package on my counter, and knowing I would want to blog the exciting moment, I reached for my phone to take a picture... ugh... dead battery.  So, in a tremendous display of patience and self-control, I waited the 10-15 minutes it took for my phone to charge and turn back on before opening the envelope. (You really should be impressed! :-))  

Of course I signed the contract and it will be on its way back to Japan on Monday!

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